marți, 10 ianuarie 2012

10 comentarii trasnite de pe YouTube

Cu totii stim acele comentarii de pe Youtube care se afla in capul listei, cu cele mai multe "thumbs up". Unele dintre ele sunt de-a dreptul dementiale. Iata 10 dintre ele (unele pot parea ciudata findca nu stiti contestul, iar altele sunt ciudate pentru ca... de mere :P):

  1. "Sometimes I lay on the floor and pretend I'm a carrot."  (Now you know what I mean?) 
  2. "You were the fastest sperm, does that cheer you up?"
  3. "I used to get laid until I fell inlove with dubstep."
  4. "720 People thought the Dislike button was the "Dis I Like" button... "
  5. "Sometimes I poor vaseline on myself and crawl around in the kitchen pretending I'm a snail" (Tocmai cand credeai ca nu se poate mai rau :D)
  6. "3 People were so stoned they passed out onto their keyboard and accidentally headbutted dislike"
  7. "What the fuck? Slightly chubby? Where in the hell are you getting that? Do you live in the Sudan?"
  8. "Sounds like Optimus Prime... ejaculating" (Imagine that!)
  9. "LOL sounds like suppressed farts"
  10. "I apologize in advance for this comment, but I must say, with all due respect... Hubba! Hubba! Hubba!"
 Mai stiti si altele? Dati de-un comment!

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