miercuri, 27 iunie 2012


Karl Marx:
         It was a historical inevitability.
         Because of an excess of light pink gooey stuff in its pancreas.
Thomas de Torquemada:
         Give me ten minutes with the chicken and I'll find out.
         Because if you gaze too long across the Road, the Road gazes
         also across you.
Albert Einstein:
         Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road crossed the
         chicken depends upon your frame of reference.
         If you ask this question, you deny your own chicken-nature.
Salvador Dali:
         The Fish.
         It was the logical next step after coming down from the trees.
Ernest Hemingway:
         To die.  In the rain.
Elmer Fudd:
  He cwossed the woad to kill the wabbit. 
Darth Vader: 
 (Whshhhhhhhhsh) Because it could not resist the power of the 
 Dark Side.
Martin Luther King: 
 It had a dream.
James Tiberius Kirk: 
 To boldly go where no chicken has gone before.

marți, 12 iunie 2012

10 pasi simpli pentru a trece peste o zi grea

In caz ca ai o zi proasta ar fi bine sa citesti mai departe. Daca ai o zi perfecta, citeste totusi mai departe, nu se stie niciodata cand vei avea nevoie.

miercuri, 28 martie 2012

10 melodii de frecat menta

Guest post by Bogdan:

In mod sigur fiecare trece macar o data pe saptamana prin starea aia miserupista in care nu ai chef de nimic, doar de trandavit si stat degeaba. Si nu ma refer acum la un stat degeaba negativ, gen depresiv/deprimat/trist, cu trimitere directa intr-o bodega si o sticla cu vin. Nu, settingul pe care il am eu in minte ar fi cam asa: hamac la umbra, berea la rece langa tine, un vanticel caldut dinspre plaja. Daca ar veni cineva sa ma intrebe ce fac, i-as fredona niste melodii, cam asa:

1. Grasu XXL - Azi nu - Pentru ca astazi de exemplu, vreau sa pierd timpu,/ vreau sa schimb ritmul, atat de simplu,/ nu fac pericol astazi, nu sunt tipu,/astazi nu iubesc, astazi nu lucrez,/ astazi o frec... De ce? Pai pentru ca...

2. Laid Back - Beautiful day - When i woke up this morning/ I said to myself/ should I laugh or should i cry?/It's a little bit strange building castles in the rain/so i made up my mind and said to myself:/it's a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful day today... Pentru ca stiu ca...

3. Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwo'ole - Somewhere Over the Rainbow 2011 - Somewhere over the rainbow/ blue birds fly/ and the dreams that you dreamed of/ dreams really do come true... Mi-au spus chiar...

4. Bob Marley - 3 little bids - Three little birds/ pitch by my doorstep/singin' sweet songs /of melodies pure and true, /sayin', "This is my message to you-ou-ou:"

5. Vama veche - Omul plajei - Fratilor va spun cinstit,/orasul m-a nenorocit./Hai sa ne mutam la mare,/O tara de orase goale!/Singura noastra scapare:/sa ramanem toti la mare. Pentru ca acolo...

6. Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime - In the summertime when the weather's high,/you can stretch right up and touch the sky,/when the weather's fine...

7. Simon & Garfunkel - 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy) - I've got no deeds to do,/no promises to keep./I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep./Let the morning time drop all its petals on me./Life, I love you... Si stiu ca...

8. Des'ree - Life - So after all is said and done/I know I'm not the only one./Life indeed can be fun, if you really want to... Pentru ca...

9. Bobby McFerrin - Don't worry be happy - In every life we have some trouble./When you worry you make it double,/don't worry, be happy...

10. Jason Mraz - I'm Yours - I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason/ to rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons./ It's what we aim to do, our name is our virtue!

Tu ce melodie ai adauga listei?

miercuri, 22 februarie 2012

Freud vs. Filme porno X 10

O vorba veche din popor spune: "Spune-mi ce fel de filme porno urmaresti ca sa-ti spun cine esti." Ok, poate ca nu suna chiar asa dar, cred ca e pe undeva pe aproape. Un lucru e cert: daca Freud ar mai fi trait azi cu siguranta una dintre intrebarile esentiale ar fi fost: "Bunule domn, savurezi filmele cu MILF-uri?"

luni, 13 februarie 2012

10 lucruri de facut neaparat in sesiune

1. Trebuie sa devii un bucatar mare. Sa inveti sa gatesti de toate, pentru toti. De la cele mai complicate pana la cele mai simple, important e sa devii expert pe palier in camin.

marți, 10 ianuarie 2012

10 comentarii trasnite de pe YouTube

Cu totii stim acele comentarii de pe Youtube care se afla in capul listei, cu cele mai multe "thumbs up". Unele dintre ele sunt de-a dreptul dementiale. Iata 10 dintre ele (unele pot parea ciudata findca nu stiti contestul, iar altele sunt ciudate pentru ca... de mere :P):

luni, 9 ianuarie 2012

10 tratamente contra insomniei

E 2:35 si vad la Ioana pe Facebook ca lumea sufera de insomnie, asa ca am adunat dintre comentariile postate acolo 10 solutii contra insomniilor, in caz ca aveti nevoie. So here we go: